1、 Xiaobin Rui, Fanrong Meng, Yahui Chai, Zhixiao Wang and Philip S. Yu. Dismantling Networks by Skeleton Extraction and Greedy Tree Breaking[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 84922-84931.
2、 Xiaobin Rui, Xiaodong Yang, Jianping Fan, Zhixiao Wang. A neighbour scale fixed approach for influence maximization in social networks[J]. Computing 2020, 102(2): 427-449.
3、 Xiaobin Rui, Fanrong Meng, Zhixiao Wang, Guan Yuan. A reversed node ranking approach for influence maximization in social networks[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2019, 49(7): 2684-2698.
4、 Xiaobin Rui, Fanrong Meng, Zhixiao Wang, Guan Yuan, Changjiang Du. SPIR: The potential spreaders involved SIR model for information diffusion in social networks[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 506: 254-269.
5、 Zhixiao Wang, Chengcheng Sun, Xiaobin Rui*, Philip S. Yu, Lichao Sun. Localization of multiple diffusion sources based on overlapping community detection[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 226: 106613.
6、 Zhixiao Wang, Chengcheng Sun, Guan Yuan, Xiaobin Rui*, Xiaodong Yang. A neighborhood link sensitive dismantling method for social networks[J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2020, 43: 101129.
7、 Zhiou Xu, Xiaobin Rui, Jing He, Zhixiao Wang, Tarik Hadzibeganovic. Superspreaders and superblockers based community evolution tracking in dynamic social networks[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 192: 105377. 5