报告题目:Full Duplex Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for Intelligent Mining Vehicle Systems全双工非正交多址接入技术辅助的智慧矿山系统研究
时间: 2019年06月25日下午3点
地点: 计算机学院计B518
By utilizing massive connected devices and automatic mining vehicles, the intelligent mining systems can ensure the safety of life and property of mining industry. Aiming at the demands of massive connected devices, even faster transmission rate, various quality of service (QoS), we classify the applications into two typical scenarios, i.e., the crowded scenario (Rayleigh channel) and the rare device scenario (Rician channel). To tackle down the ergodic capacity expression’s intractable calculations in both scenarios, we further obtained their simplified approximate expressions. Numerical results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness ofour analytical results. Compared to MC method, the consumed time is greatly reduced by our derived expressions. Simulation results also demonstrated that the system capacity performance can be enhanced by increasing the transmit NOMA power and Rician factor (Rician scenario), and the effectiveness of FD-NOMA is determined by the FD self-interference and the channel noise. In addition, FD-NOMA can greatly reduce the system latency compared to other schemes.
Di Zhang currently is an Assistant Professor with Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China; a visiting Senior Researcher with Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; and also a Secondary Technocrats with Henan Provincial Big data Administration. He received his Ph.D. degree fromWasedaUniversity ,Tokyo,Japan. Dr. Zhang has engaged in several international projects in wireless communications and networking co-funded by the EU FP-7, Horizon 2020, Japanese Monbushou and NICT. He is an editor of theKSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. He has served as the guest editor of theIEEE NETWORK, theIEEE ACCESS, theIET Intelligent Transport Systems; Chair of IEEE/CIC ICCC 2019 (workshop), IEEE ISNE 2019 (publication); TPC member of many IEEE flagship conferences, such asIEEE ICC, WCNC, VTC, CCNC, HEALTHCOM. His research interests include V2X,5G, internet of things and e-health.
张迪,男,现任职于郑州大学信息工程学院,兼职于河南省大数据管理局,韩国首尔国立大学电子与计算机学院访问高级研究员;博士毕业于日本早稻田大学,韩国首尔国立大学电子与计算机学院访问研究员,台湾中兴大学访问研究生。担任KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems期刊编辑,IEEE Network,IEEE Access,IET Intelligent Transport Systems期刊客座编辑,IEEE ICC、 WCNC、 PIMRC、WCSP、CCNC、Healthcom、ICCC、ISNE等多个IEEE国际会议的主席和程序委员会和委员;曾参与欧盟FP-7框架项目“GreenICN”、欧盟H2020项目“5G!Pagoda”以及韩国国家科技委工程研究中心项目等多个国际合作课题;目前主要研究方向为:5G无线通信、智能网联汽车、非正交多址接入、远程医疗等。